Published inDataDrivenInvestorPororoca of Generations: We Are All “Gen Z”In Brazil, “Pororoca” is a natural phenomenon where rivers and oceans collide, creating powerful waves — a perfect metaphor for…Nov 20Nov 20
Pororoca de Gerações: Somos todos “GEN Z”Não existe e nunca existiu uma única geração Z; todos nós tivemos a oportunidade de ser protagonistas de nossas próprias gerações.Nov 20Nov 20
Storytelling não Serve MaisStory Performing: Porque Ficar Só nos Bastidores É para Quem Gosta de Passar DespercebidoNov 18Nov 18
Published inDataDrivenInvestorAI is TECH, Human is POPThere’s a Pre-installed Algorithm in Your Mind, Governing All Your Decisions… and It Can Be ReprogrammedNov 17Nov 17
Published inDataDrivenInvestorInnovation by Layers- Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. But she was trapped under a terrible spell, which could only be broken with the first…Oct 22Oct 22
Published inDataDrivenInvestorMy Mix-Take: The Unexpected Virtue of InnovationAn Entire Forest is Sustained by What, Apparently, Didn’t Work Out.Sep 28Sep 28
Published inDataDrivenInvestorAnatomy of an Idea: The Art of Asking Questions and the Future of Innovation70,000 years ago, in a clearing surrounded by tall, silent trees, lived a primate named Gur.Sep 14Sep 14
Published inDataDrivenInvestorThe Ride of the Last MuseIn ancient Greece, there were 9 divine Muses, whose names are difficult to pronounce: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene…Aug 31Aug 31
Minúsculas Ideias Imensas RevoluçõesSão as conexões inesperadas que podem levar a inovações revolucionárias.Jul 30Jul 30
Empresa Grande & Senzala S/ANo Brasil, a palavra “empresa” pode carregar uma bagagem mais pesada do que imaginamos.Jul 26Jul 26