William BarterinDataDrivenInvestorAnatomy of an Idea: The Art of Asking Questions and the Future of Innovation70,000 years ago, in a clearing surrounded by tall, silent trees, lived a primate named Gur.4h ago4h ago
William BarterinDataDrivenInvestorThe Ride of the Last MuseIn ancient Greece, there were 9 divine Muses, whose names are difficult to pronounce: Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene…Aug 31Aug 31
William BarterMinúsculas Ideias Imensas RevoluçõesSão as conexões inesperadas que podem levar a inovações revolucionárias.Jul 30Jul 30
William BarterEmpresa Grande & Senzala S/ANo Brasil, a palavra “empresa” pode carregar uma bagagem mais pesada do que imaginamos.Jul 26Jul 26
William BarterQuanto vale o que você compartilha?Nos anos 90, a Microsoft contratou a melhor equipe disponível na época para criar o que seria a obra prima das enciclopédias.Jul 21Jul 21
William BarterinDataDrivenInvestorYou and the Affection FactoryHave you ever thought that all our relationships are like “companies”?Jul 15Jul 15
William BarterinDataDrivenInvestorThe Last Pixar Movie“In the early days at Pixar, before understanding the invisible workings of a good story, we were just a group of guys following our…Jun 24Jun 24
William BarterinDataDrivenInvestorOnce Upon a Time in the FutureI’m sure you have memorable memories of movies, series, books, and people who told deeply captivating stories during your childhood.Jun 20Jun 20
William BarterinDataDrivenInvestorINNOVATION by ATTRACTIVENESSInnovation is the buzzword of the moment. We are all ecstatic, and it’s all anyone talks about. But behind the scenes, what we see is…May 27May 27